Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday Revue Jan. 10: White Angel

Ladies And Gentlemen!

Boys and Girls!

Are You Ready To Be Amazed?

From The Halls Of Myth And Fancy, Behold!

Angels and Demons. Darkness and Light. And one hell of a wild ride.
The comic 'White Angel' opens on another battle as old as Time, the battle between the forces of good and evil. It's a gripping entry into a world where Angels aren't fluffy and Demons aren't Halloween costumes. They're real. They're fighting. And one of them just fell out of the sky and dented the hood of Ryan's car.
 Now he's stuck with a wounded Angel on his hands, a little sister to babysit, and a test on Friday. It's going to be a long week....
Created by Ting Chen, 'White Angel' can be found here.

The Rating

A tale mythic in scope and moving in vignette. Think City of Angels, with swordplay.

The Raves

From the word go, 'White Angel' has a crisp, clean storytelling style meshed with equally sharp art. In action sequences, the art style is beautifully dynamic, with a powerful grasp of anatomy and posture crossed with a great flare for the dramatic.

But there's plenty of anime series out there that do nice fight scenes. White Angel's strength is in its poetic use of plot and character dynamics when the fighting's done.
In a style reminiscent of good Japanese independent films,  'White Angel' captures the nebulous power of a moment, a glance, the tone of a voice. Which, you have to say, is quite the accomplishment for a silent media!
Like a well told folk tale, moments from this series seem to hang in the air and in the mind some time after they've passed, their impact much deeper than the simple words in which they were couched. This is pulled off with a strong blend of good dialogue, spartanly elegant plot and a good eye for layout and panels that accentuate the importance of events. Combine clear, sharp storylines that are intriguing and yet somehow mythically clean and uncomplicated, good art and interesting characters, and you've got a great story. Color me impressed!

The Razzes

I don't have a lot to complain of in 'White Angel', but I do have a gentle warning that it's easy for stillness in art to become stiffness. There were some points in the art when unmoving sitting or standing characters seemed static, almost manequinnish in their poses, which is in stark contrast to the gorgeous sense of movement in the action scenes. Fix that one little issue and you've got top notch art Ting Chen!

The Revue

Poetry in comic motion, and certainly one to keep an eye on!

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